Thursday 25 September 2014

Rocky Road Shambles

I was seeing some friends and wanted to bring them some goodies. I decided to make my Fruit and Nut bars as one of my friends is vegan and these don't contain any ingredients derived from an animal source. However Holland and Barrett were out of flame raisins so I got regular ones. BIG MISTAKE. The juiciness of flame raisins basically helps hold everything together.

So I found myself with fruit and nut rubble. It tasted great but it definitely wasn't a gift so I just left in the fridge and went with flowers and wine. After a lovely weekend I returned the rubble. I hate wasting food and was desperately trying to think what to do with it all. Then the eureka moment happened. What about just bunging it all in melted chocolate? I had some chocolate chips in the fridge and some golden syrup to bulk it out. Brilliant. But was chocolate going to be enough?

A quick trip to the local shop later gave me some marshmallows to complete the mixture. There isn't really a recipe here, just some lessons. If you make Fruit and Nut bars use flame raisins. Most things can be improved by chocolate and marshmallows.

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