Tuesday 21 January 2014

Chocolate Cookies

I almost didn’t bake this week but then decided to. I ran home from work last night, as part of my training for a half marathon, and was exhausted by having to dodge out of the way of people who somehow failed to see me barrelling towards them. They’re happily walking along, minding their own business, when all of a sudden they realise that they could be not minding their own business and get in the way of someone running if only they moved about two feet to the left. They swiftly action this movement and cause me to have to jump into the road while yelling ‘I’m running here’ in a Brooklyn accent (that last bit is said in my head as per Sandra Bullock trying to glide in Miss. Congeniality – ignore me if you haven’t seen it). 

Anyway, while I have successfully taken out a few people while running (once in a particularly epic way) it’s not my preferred way of dealing with it. Run around and rack up some karma (minus whatever comes off for yelling at them in my head). Due to the running home I hadn’t picked up supplies so had to work with what was in the fridge and my cupboard. I haven’t stocked up in a while but luckily these use basic ingredients that I tend to have. 

Be warned. These are a little messy to make as you’re rolling sticky dough in your hands. If you have small children that need to be kept busy (and you’re not concerned about the hygiene of them licking their hands and stuff) get them to do it. The final result is worth it though as these are lovely and chewy. Almost brownie like if that makes sense.  

125g butter (ideally soft)
175g caster sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
125g plain flour
35g cocoa powder (use a good one)
Generous ½ tsp bicarb of soda 

1.    Preheat the oven to 180°C/GM4.
2.    Cream together the butter and sugar. If you can’t be bothered to let the butter get soft, cut it into small pieces and whizz it on its own for a while. Then add the sugar.
3.    Add the egg and vanilla, mixing well.
4.    Add all the dry ingredients, remembering to sift the cocoa powder in (I just measure both the flour and cocoa in the same bowl and sift it together).
5.    Then comes the messy part. Roll heaped teaspoons of the dough into balls. You’ll get about 23-26 depending on size. So walnut size I suppose.
6.    Line a baking tray/sheet and place well apart as these spread like anything. Place the balls of dough on and bake for about 10 minutes. They’ll come out looking puffy but will settle down flat.
7.    Keep on the baking paper while they cool a bit and then take off and cool completely on a wire rack. (Obviously eat one while they are still warm!)

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